
Our vision.

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of our lives but has had a hard impact on our physical and mental health, our ability to communicate with each other and our human need for intimacy. Social isolation and loneliness are major issues for those living in care homes, particularly for people living with dementia.

Activities like dancing, singing and making art are innate human behaviours that help us to relate to each other and the world around us.

Allowing people who are living with dementia to express themselves creatively, regardless of ability or skill can have a positive effect on mood, memory and general wellbeing. As dementia can have a negative impact on a person’s ability to communicate, engaging with art can help them express their thoughts and feelings.

It is important to us that we address the inequalities that have occurred due to Covid-19, particularly the disproportionate mortality rate for people from Black and Asian communities. Our recruitment will focus on homes that have residents from a diverse range of backgrounds.